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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Elena Aitken – When It Hits Close To Home @elenaaitken

When It Hits Close To Home

by Elena Aitken

Writing Composing Myself was hard for me at times because it dealt with a situation that was incredibly close to home for me. Grams and Whitney, two of the main characters, have a very close relationship, not unlike the relationship I shared with my own grandmother. In the book, Grams is diagnosed with cancer, and refuses treatment. This was a very similar situation that I had with my own grandmother and writing some of the scenes was very difficult and at times, very emotional.
Some say that writing through your feelings can be very therapeutic, and I never experienced that quite so clearly as while I was writing this book. At times, I couldn’t even see the screen and the words that I was typing, because I was crying so hard. But whenever I wasn’t sure about something, or questioning the story, I would look up to a photo of me with my grandmother, taken only a month before she passed away, and that would help me push through.

I released Composing Myself, only a few weeks before the one year anniversary of my own grandmother’s death and I know she would be proud of the book and proud of me. This book is nearest and dearest to my heart because it is a very special tribute to my grandma and our very special relationship.

Sometimes, writing does help heal those hurts.

Have you ever written something or read a book that helps you through a hard time?


Samples to Savor: Book Club Picks, presented by Her Books:

Discover your book club’s next page-turner and spark fascinating conversations with your friends in this free sampling from eight bestselling authors. You’ll find rich prose, evocative plots, compelling characters and surprising twists from:

Finding Emma by Steena Holmes
Composing Myself by Elena Aitken
Spare Change by Bette Lee Crosby
The Scandalous Ward by Karla Darcy
The Tree of Everlasting Knowledge by Christine Nolfi
The Promise of Provence by Patricia Sands
Broken Pieces by Rachel Thompson
Depraved Heart by Kathleen Valentine

About the Author(s):
Bestselling authors Steena Holmes, Elena Aitken, Rachel Thompson, Patricia Sands, Christine Nolfi, Kathleen Valentine, Bette Lee Crosby and Karla Darcy provide readers worldwide with contemporary fiction and nonfiction releases ranging from historical romance to literary.

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Genre –  Women’s Fiction

Rating – PG

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