Jack Canon's American Destiny

Broken Pieces

Monday, July 1, 2013

Author Interview – David Jester

How long have you been writing? I started really young, then I put it aside for a few years when adolescence got in the way. I picked it up again when I was 18 as a form of escapism. My first story was published in a local magazine and I’ve been writing ever since. There did follow ten years of practically nothing (barring a collection of rejection letters) but it was worth it.

What genre are you most comfortable writing? I’m torn between horror and comedy. I think I prefer a mixture of the two, something like Wipeout (a story from the Little Terrors anthology). I also write thriller and suspense under another pen name, but, although they seem to be more popular, I find the horror and comedy genres far more entertaining to read and write.

What inspired you to write your first book? I had already written a few short stories and had attempted a few novels by the time I wrote my first “proper” novel. I created a character that I really liked, someone who didn’t take anything too seriously even when he lost everything. The book never made it and I still haven’t published it, but I adopted the name of the main character, David Jester, to use when I finally published my first book.

Who or what influenced your writing once you began? I was influenced by my favorite writers and began by emulating them. I wrote fantasy, comedy, horror and thriller — inspired by Pratchett, King and Koontz. I eventually worked out my own style but still can’t settle on any one genre.

What made you want to be a writer? I love the solitude of the job and not having to rely on anyone. It’s also not very taxing and as it’s still something I really enjoy, it doesn’t become tedious or boring. It can be stressful and it can stretch into the small hours, but ultimately it’s something that I love to do.

What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general? Forcing myself to write. I write sporadically, I get a lot done when I sit down to write, but I don’t sit down often enough. I have written books in a couple of days before, writing for 16+ hours a day, but that’s often followed by a period of doing nothing for a few days. I struggle to find a healthy balance.

Evergreen is the peaceful, idyllic home for a bustling traveler community. It is home to Patrick Ryan, the figurehead of the community; home to Aidan McCleary, Patrick’s mentor and friend; home to scores of youngsters and generations of families. But now Evergreen is also home to a sadistic serial killer, someone who is targeting the youngsters of this once peaceful community.

They know the killer lives among them, know that one of their own is tearing this small community apart. They want to deal with it themselves, to track down the killer and deliver their own justice, but can they find him before he rips their home apart?

Evergreen is a serial killer thriller/whodunnit with a macabre and sinister slant. A book not for the faint hearted.

Novella length. Approximately 23.000 words (100 pages)

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre – Horror

Rating – PG13

More details about the author

Connect with David Jester on Twitter

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